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A golden Metatron's Cube
A golden Tetrahedron
A golden Icosahedron
A golden Ankh over a golden outlined Flower of Life, both contained within a golden circle.
A golden Dodecahedron
A golden Octahedron
A golden Hexahedron
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'Open your Heart and receive the plant medicine

these potent potions are here to offer you...

a gift from All That Is to you now.'

~ Hathor, Divine Feminine

"Handcrafted with Heart and Soul" icon. A hand holding a heart with a flame.
"Handcrafted with Heart and Soul" icon. A hand holding a heart with a flame.
A golden circle as background.

I am filled with Joy in bringing to you these Aromatherapy Sprays,
channeled with the Energy and Frequency of the Divine Feminine!
Each one has been Handcrafted with Heart and Soul,

A golden circle as background.
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integrating mindfully sourced materials such as
Pure Essential Oils, Artesian Water and Gem Elixir!


bring home Divine Love, Serene & Light~Hearted
at a special reduced price when you
purchase them as a Trinity Bundle!


m m

In the Egyptian language, the term Uttati means both the Sun and the Moon. It represents the harmony, balance, well-being and health offered by Uttati through its Essential Oils line of products.

A golden curved ribbon as background.
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A rectangular golden ribbon as background.

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