September is here! And so is Archangel Metatron’s message for this first part of the month~

‘Work with the forces around you! Create a synergistic symphony of your life by allowing yourself to flow and work with the Energies, the Frequencies that are here. ‘Change’ has been front and center this 2020 year, but it Truth, Change is a constant. From the moment of Conception you’ve changed, moment to moment… and in every moment, the opportunity is for you to allow yourself to consciously work with this Divine Force so you grow and evolve. Go within, tend to the Field that is your Heart, attune to the Pure Unconditional Love that you already are. Allow for Change to unroot anything that is taking up Vital Force from you, anything that you are holding rooted that is becoming rotted. Clean and Care for your inner garden while you select the quality seeds that you intend to grow. Tend to the soil where you are planting these seeds, so when new blooms emerge, when You emerge, you are rooted in healthy soil.’
Supporting this grid are Clear Quartz crystals (cleanse and amplify), Desert Rose Selenite (cleansing, grounding, calming, inspired heart-centered thoughts while working on root and crown chakras), and Rose candle (comforting, balancing and rejuvenating all bodies and fields).
I hope this message and grid have resonated with you. If you find that you need deeper guidance, feel free to set up an appointment for a personal session with me by clicking here.
With Grace and Love,
Martha Judith
*Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, by LON.